The first Bath Women Badminton Club affiliated to Badminton England will launch on Saturday 16th of March 2019. The club will run every Saturday from 9:30am to 11:30am at the Bath Sport & Leisure Centre, North Parade Road, Bath, BA2 4ET.
The BWB Club is organised by Avgi Nicolaou, a UCCK Level 2 Licensed Coach who wants to share her passion for the sport and wishes to encourage and empower women to play Badminton in a friendly and supportive environment.
Avgi told us: “Sports have always been at the heart of my life. I’ve been a competitive Ten Pin Bowler and a member of Cyprus National Bowling team for 15 years. My journey with Badminton started 5 years ago when I joined a leisure group as a recreational player and now, I’m coaching the sport. I’m determined to see more women participate and enjoy Badminton in a club that they can call their own”.
All abilities are welcome.
First session is FREE you only need to book your space.
For more information you can find Bath Women Badminton Club on Facebook: and via their website:
Check out their video here
To book your space and for more information you can contact Avgi on 07514239002