Work is a big part of our lives! Those in employment spend 60% of their waking hours in the workplace. Making some simple changes and being supported by your employer can have a big impact on your health.
Time is precious. Building some physical activity into your day will boost your energy levels and an active lunch break will make you more productive in the afternoon. We are also busier in our private lives and often don't find time to do exercise in the evenings or weekends so by having a more active day, you lessen that pressure.
Why sitting is bad for you
It can be easier than you think - for a start, just move more! Either by taking stairs rather than the lift, having walking meetings, getting up to make a drink - it all makes a difference. Don't feel guilty for not eating your sandwich at your desk, get outside and have a break.
We are here to help support you and your organisation with advice and guidance, please get in touch!
16.6m people do less than the recommended 150 minutes of physical activity per week. [Active Lives survey, Sport England, 2019]
The annual cost to UK business of lack of physical activity is £6.6billion. [The economics of exercise, Measuring the business benefit of being physically fit, A report for AXA PPP healthcare 2019]
Physically inactive individuals lose up to four and a half working days per year through absence and presenteeism, almost a whole working week, compared to active individuals. [The Economic Benefits of a More Physically Active Population, Rand Europe 2019]
Mental ill-health, stress and musculoskeletal problems are the three leading causes of long-term absence from the workplace and make up two of the top three causes of short-term absence. [CIPD Health and Wellbeing at Work survey 2019] All three conditions are associated with a lack of physical activity. Being more physically active can help to lower risks and alleviate symptoms.
Are you an employer wanting to do more for your staff?
Please head over to the Workplace Movement platform which will make it easier for you to become a truly 'Active' workplace and guide you in supporting your staff to be more active. You really will see a difference in your staff morale and wellbeing, as well as an economic return on any investment made.
The impact:
Reduced Absenteeism: 27% fewer days of sick
Reduced presenteeism: physical activity can improve sleep quality, energy and reduce stress
Demonstrate Corporate Social Responsibility: Boost morale and team spirit