Coach Core aims to create inspirational sports coaches to deliver sport in the community, and particularly in communities that have traditionally had poor access to high-quality, professional coaching. Coach Core is about changing the lives of young people, aged 16-24yr olds, through an innovative and engaging sports coaching apprenticeship.

By harnessing a number of qualifications, experiences and additional learning opportunities, the goal is to ensure each apprentice goes onto further education or employment and provides greater coaching provision in the communities in which they serve.
Coach Core Bristol is delivered by a consortium of partners, including The Royal Foundation, Lifetime, Wesport and local Employers. Wesport manage the programme locally by fulfilling the programme administrator role. This includes managing and supporting the programme and consortium from recruitment through to graduation. Helping to provide the best opportunities for the young people on the programme, by supporting the education and training elements as well as working with the employers to provide additional local opportunities.
Coach Core Bristol is currently in its 2nd programme, with 13 apprentices being employed by 5 local employers.
Summer – Shine Wraparound Care – Yr 1 Apprentice Graduate
Summer was employed as an Apprentice with Shine. Once graduated Summer was offered a full time contract with Shine and she continues to work across their programmes, especially in Gymnastics. This is what Summer had to say upon completion of her apprenticeship;
‘I joined this programme because I applied and went to university and knew straight away that it wasn’t for me. I knew that I needed to do something that was more practical but I didn’t know what. I came across this qualification on the apprenticeship website and it seemed like a good qualification, I applied for this as well as two others but this one stood out a lot to me as being something that would suit my learning type so that why I chose it. I then choose Shine out of many other companies.
I have had a really good experience with this qualification and have helped shape me as a person not just a coach. I have gained a lot of confidence whilst doing this qualification and it had allowed me to progress through the qualification and growing as I go. I have mainly gained a big understanding of gymnastics and how to coach it although I already had an understanding of it.
I have enjoyed being in an environment with people that I get on with and that have the same interests as me. I have also liked learning a lot more about sport overall as a whole and learning many ways to coach in different ways and to different types of children. This will help me in the future as I now have a much better understanding of all sports than when I first joined.’
Chris Farrow – Wesport / UWE – Yr 1 Apprentice Graduate
Since Graduating Chris has been working for UWE as part of the Strength and Conditioning team, working with their elite athletes and in the gym. This is what Chris h ad to say upon completion of the apprenticeship;
‘I have really enjoyed my time with coach core. I have met some lovely people along the way. I have gained a lot from this programme, not just qualifications but valuable coaching experience and gym experience. I had a split role with UWE and Wesport and this allowed me to gain experience in both coaching and gym based work. Everyone has been really supportive with everything so it has made my time with coach core very enjoyable. Working and studying at the same time has really worked for me. I would highly recommend doing an apprenticeship with coach core as you get to experience so many things and pick up many things along the way such as: Valuable coaching experience, General Life Skills etc etc. I managed to do my qualification with coach core but I have also been fortunate enough do to other things such as: First Aid Training, FA Level 1, Safeguarding course and UK Anti-Doping course.’.