Wesport’s Inaugural Sport and Physical Activity Network Event (SPAN) took place on the 18th September at Gloucestershire County Cricket Ground. The delegates who attended represented organisations from the West of England that are delivering sport and physical activity or are utilising sport and physical activity to deliver wider social, personal, health or economic outcomes. Wesport valued the opportunity to connect these organisations together, to share learning, identify common themes and explore collaborative opportunities. The delegates were given the opportunity to attend a selection of workshops which included:-

Long Term Health Conditions - Led by Lisa Wood (Project Manager- Health & Physical Activity)
During this workshop the latest Sport England campaign #WeAreUndefeatable was shared along with available resources and discussion took place as to how the network could engage effectively across the West of England to maximise the impact of the campaign.
Discussion notes found here: SPAN Notes- Long-term Health Conditions
The campaign website is here
Campaign promo materials can be ordered (FOC) and downloaded here
UK Coaching Guide info for deliverers can be found here
Link to Local Personal Stories Wesport are collating found here
Workforce – Led by Sarah Casselden (Project Manager) and Richard Colman (Project Manager)
During this workshop the group gained an understanding of Key actions identified in Wesport’s Workforce Plan and how they could engage with them.
Presentation: SPAN- Workforce presentation
Alliance of Sport in criminal Justice and the UK Sport for Development Coalition - Led by James Mapstone (CEO Alliance of Sport in Criminal Justice)
James provided an update on his role with the Alliance of Sport in Criminal Justice and the Sport for Development Coalition (www.connectsport.com) that he is connected with.
Presentation found here: AoS PPT WESPORT
Notes here: Sport for development
The Workshops were followed by Discussion Tables around the following topics:-
Community Engagement, The VCSE Sector and the newly formed CiC, Supporting the Mental Wellbeing of Young People through Sport, Gaining an understanding of under-represented groups – Women and Girls, Working with a new target audience – Refugees and Asylum Seekers.
For the final session Wesport took the opportunity to consult on their new strategy.(2020-2025)
Presentation here: SPAN Event New Wesport strategy 20190918