Keeping your kids mind and body active at home
With the recent government announcement that schools are now to be closed (20/03/20), we are more conscious than ever about keeping our children and young people healthy and active. Finding ways to keep kids active at home may seem like a challenge, but there are many free resources that can help! We have collated below some advice and tools you can use at home to keep children happy and healthy whilst staying safe at home.
Please note, this page will be updated regularly with new ideas and links as we receive them.
Firstly, we recognise that this is a difficult time for everyone, and children may be feeling overwhelmed and confused about what's going on. A primary school teacher who felt these tensions rising in his classroom, was inspired to create a short story about Small Paul to reassure his children. Read Small Paul here.
Mindheart has also produced a resource providing understanding along with physical and emotional reassurance. Find the resource here

Below are some FREE child-friendly activity resources for you to use at home. Click on the title to view the resource.
SucceedIn's website will be updated daily as they see the need and demand grow. Parents will also be able to access their home version on the platform where they will have access to the following:
- Games and Ideas to Play at Home
- Change for Life links to think about food and hygiene
- Active SATS papers provided by Link Up Play
New resources will be added on a daily basis, and will include Quick Blasts, Active Blasts and Additional Activities to support Maths and Literacy.
So remember, these FREE resources can be used in classrooms or in homes - they could be a great additional free resource for parents in home learning packs.
These resources are super easy to use - no login is required and no password. All imoves ask is that teachers sign up using the link above - they will then receive an email with a link to all the resources which they can share with parents.
Click Here to join the imovement -
MEMBERSHIP of the 'imovement' is 100% FREE
Real play at home supports families to play and learn together and includes 12 themes, 6 areas, over 250 activities and challenges, and 1000s of hours of fun and activity for every family!
Create Development really want to help ensure families have access to quality physical activity and family play opportunities. The programme is being set up on a temporary platform to make it available in the event of school closures and will be live during this period. They are confident that you and your families are going to enjoy playing and learning together. View the real play home video to preview what this looks like.
GoNoodle is free to subscribe to, engaging 14 million kids every month with movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts. Available for free at school, home, and everywhere kids are!
Youth Sport Trust have also pulled together some guidance specifically for children #StayHomeStayActive
Joe Wicks has some great videos aimed at kids of all different ages and abilities. Find him on youtube here
Kids Adventure Themed Fitness Classes
Great adventure themed fitness classes for nursery and primary school age children. They run a live stream on Facebook or Youtube at 9am and 3pm, and all videos are also recorded so can be watched back!
Free child-friendly yoga, mindfulness and relaxation activities and games based around well-known stories.
Heads Together and Mentally Healthy Schools
Healthy Schools and Heads Together have put together a useful resource to help teachers, carers and parents respond to any anxiety that may arise from the Coronavirus. Click Here to access the resources!
BBC SuperMovers are offering fun dance/movement videos with some of children's favourite CBeebies/CBBC and other well known characters. Find the videos here!
Try the Skip2BFit challenge! How many skips can you do in 2 minutes? Download the app for free here. If you don’t have a skipping rope at home then why not try hopping instead?!
Gloucestershire Cricket Board- Chance to Shine
At home and at school weekly activities, incorporating numeracy and literacy.
Sign up as a school or parent and receive resources on physical activity learning, health and wellbeing, food and exercise log, fitness challenge cards and more!
Fun, daily live dance routines for children at 11.30am, adults and families session at 7.30pm. These are also all recorded and can be watched back!
Sport England also have some great advice on how to stay active at home including the This Girl Can & Disney dance videos, you can find them here
We would love to see how you are managing to adapt and #StayInWorkOut, tag us on social media @WesportAP