Fact File:
Where we’re based: South Gloucestershire, England
Roll: 61
Setting type: School for young people with Social Emotional and Mental Health needs (SEMH)

Our Daily Mile Story- Written by Caitlin, The Daily Mile Coordinator at Wesport
I first met the students of New Horizons back at the start of November 2019 when I went in to launch The Daily Mile. I did an assembly with the 15 students at the Courtney Road Campus, in which they asked lots of great questions, working out why The Daily Mile would be good for them and how often they would be doing it. We then all went outside and completed The Daily Mile together, teachers included.
Initially students were uncertain about The Daily Mile and some struggled to get involved. However, with perseverance, all students are now participating almost every day. This has led to an increase in fitness levels for many of the students.
The school have now been taking part in The Daily Mile around the playground for 3 months. Mr Lee; Primary Manager, has noticed many great benefits since implementing The Daily Mile. Not only improved fitness levels, but with students being more settled in the classroom, improved concentration, and some of the students’ self-esteem has improved. As well Jane Peters, the Intervention Lead also explained how the children are moving better during PE lessons and are calmer during the day. Furthermore, The Daily Mile has helped the students encourage their peers and form positive relationships with each other and staff.
I have loved being part of starting The Daily Mile at this setting; the children have been a pleasure and coming back after 3 months to see the impact was great. The improvement seen through my own eyes was lovely and they were all so proud of how they have improved. I look forward to seeing The Daily Mile develop more and hear how it’s helped within the school setting.
If you think The Daily Mile could be an initiative that would work in your school please drop me an email – caitlin.stephenson@wesport.org.uk
See what we found out when we caught up with NHLC after 3 months of them completing their Daily Mile: