20th October 2022
Wesport Sport and Physical Activity Network Event round up
Our 2022 network event Sport and Physical Activity Network: Together with purpose, took place on Thursday 29th September at Gloucestershire County Cricket Ground.
The event aimed to bring together organisations from across the West of England, all with a common goal of getting more people active. On the day it was great to see 80 people from across the network in attendance.

The event consisted of presentations from guest speakers including Scott Hartley, Director of Press Red and Alex Raikes MBE DL, Strategic Director of SARI, as well as presentations from Wesport members of staff. Sessions included:
- Using insight to guide our work – Scott from Press Red shared data trends around both adults and Children & Young People's physical activity behaviour within the West of England. This helped bring to life what this might mean for our work by exploring the differences across our population, the inequalities that exist and the impact that the pandemic has had.
- Together Fund: Working in Partnership – This presentation explored 3 areas - How data and insight had guided this investment, partnership working with Voscur and we heard from two local Together Fund projects, who shared findings from programme design and experiences.
- Joining a conversation about race equality –Alex from SARI delivered a bite size session on race and race equality. Sharing an overview of the work SARI do as well as introducing the partnership recently formed with Wesport, and how jointly we will be offering training to the network.
- Network: Connect, Share and Learn - This networking session provided all attendees the chance to meet and establish contacts with other industry organisations and individuals. Networking tables discussed the following topics; Youth Engagement and Sport & Physical Activity, Mental Health and Sport & Physical Activity, Social Prescribing and Sport & Physical Activity, Older People and Sport & Physical Activity, Disability, Race Equality, Insight, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Community Engagement and Development.
You can view all of the presentations from the event here.