Please see below an update on the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and what Sport England's key priorities for sport and physical activity are at this time.
Like so many others, the sport and physical activity sector has already been significantly challenged by coronavirus (COVID-19) and this is only likely to accelerate in the weeks and months ahead.
Sport England have two key priorities during this period.
The first is supporting the sector to ensure that it comes through this period in as strong a position as possible.
The second is doing everything they can to encourage people to stay active, wherever possible, which we think is now more important than ever.
Supporting the Sector-
Sport England are in regular communication with their partners and ware intelligence gathering about the impact of the virus on the sector. They have significant concerns, in particular about the financial impact of this period on certain partners, and are looking at options that will help to mitigate this.
They are exploring a number of ideas, for example opening up applications to our Small Grants fund to those that have lost income - modelled on the successful Flood Relief Fund.
They are also are discussing the extensions of existing grants for those already in receipt of funding who have a critical funding shortfall.
Sport England want to make sure that whatever action they take has the greatest positive impact. So, they want to hear from the sector now about the issues they're facing and to take on board their ideas and concerns to feed into our plans.
Please contact Sport England via coronavirus@sportengland.org and let them know:
- How coronavirus is impacting you or your organisation
- The type of help you think would be most beneficial.
Please keep in touch with them via this email address as your or your organisation's situation changes.
It's also important to say that all of their existing funding will continue as normal, so if you already receive funding from them you can rely on that.
An important part of their work is to keep the nation active through this difficult period and their projects and programmes are vital in doing that.
Finally, Sport England in regular dialogue with government, especially the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and Public Health England, to ensure that they are sharing the best advice possible and that government has the fullest possible picture of the impact this period will have on the sector.
Sport England provide more detailed communications on all of this as soon as possible.
How to stay physically active during coronavirus restrictions..
Sport England know that lots of people are keen to better understand the government’s latest advice on how to stay physically active while they're spending a lot of time at home.
The below guidance should explain what you can and can’t do during this period.
- Taking daily exercise is one of the four reasons the government has advised that it's fine to leave your household for.
- You can do one form of exercise each day, for example a walk, run, or cycle – alone or with members of your household.
- While you’re out, always keep at least two metres or more away from anyone outside of your household. This will stop the virus spreading.
- Minimise time outside and wash your hands when you return home.
- There are lots of online resources that have been made available for free to help you to keep active in your home, or in your garden if you have one, and we’ve collated some of these here.
- If you’re self-isolating (for example if you’re over 70, pregnant or have an underlying health condition) but feel well, you can also go outside with the same caveat of keeping your distance from others.
- If you’re self-isolating because you have symptoms, or someone in your household has them, you shouldn't leave home but that doesn't mean you should stop moving. It's really important to use movement and activity as a way of breaking up your routine, but only if you feel well enough.
- If you’re unwell, use your energy to get better and don't try to be active. If you can get out of bed, then do so, but don't try to do too much.
- Finally, if you’re feeling better after having had the virus, return to your normal routine very gradually and make sure to have additional rest periods during and after exercise.