Just over a year ago Sport England invested in and contributed to the creation of a Youth Engagement Toolkit. This is a free resource to help improve engagement with young people (11-18 years) in consultation around developments that impact on their local areas, and has been developed with ZCD Architects, Grosvenor GBI and the Town and Country Planning Association. It is for local authorities, youth services, developers, sports providers and others to involve young people in the way that places are built and managed.
Voice, Opportunity, Power
This approach to engagement is about listening to and hearing what young people tell us about their local spaces and places, through discussion about their lived experiences. The techniques focus on how they feel, where they have control and how this relates to their sense of happiness and wellbeing. It develops their skills to be actively engaged in changes that might affect them, to be able to voice what they want and critique what is being proposed. The process not only gives a voice to young people, it values their contributions and helps us design better communities for them and all age groups.
Whilst this is a toolkit to engage young people about their neighbourhoods, the principles and format can also be used in any consultation when engaging with young people.
Click here to access the toolkit.