12th March 2021
Roadmap out of lockdown for Sport and Physical Activity
On the 22nd February 2021 the government announced their plans for the UK to move out of a National lockdown. This brought positive news for the return of Sport and Physical Activity. We have outlined what each step in the roadmap means:
8th-29th March
- U18’s can take part in school sport and PE as the education settings reopen or as part of wraparound care.
- You can exercise outdoors with your household or support bubble.
From 29th March
- Outdoor sports facilities can reopen and can be used by up to 6 people, ensuring that social distancing guidelines are being adhered to. This includes the Bristol Parks Tennis Courts, click here to book a court.
- Organised adults and children’s sport can also return at this stage.
- 6 people or 2 households are allowed to meet outside including in private gardens.
12th April at the earliest
- Indoor leisure facilities are to reopen, including gyms. They must be used alone or as part of the same household group.
- Children are allowed to attend any indoor activity, including indoor sport.
- Update on social contact released at a later stage.
17th May at the earliest
- Organised indoor sport for adults can resume.
- Update on social contact released at a later stage.
21st June at the earliest
- Removal of all legal limit on social contact.
To access information for specific sports please visit your NGB website page.
For the full list of guidance for each stage please visit the government website here.