Stay Safe in Sport
Sport should be fun, enjoyable and safe for all children & young people.
But if you are..
…not enjoying your sports sessions
…feel intimidated by your coach or not being helped in the right way
…being bullied by other children or adults
Then there are people that can help.
If something is making you feel uncomfortable, worried or unhappy, someone is making you keep secrets or making you do something you don’t want to do, please tell someone and they can help. You can tell:
- A family member or whoever looks after you
- A friend
- A teacher
- An adult you trust
- Wesport
- Club Welfare Officer
You can contact a member of the Wesport team, who will listen to you and help take the right steps to sort out what is worrying you. To do this we will need to write down what you tell us and can’t promise not to tell anyone else. But we will only tell the people that need to know to help us to sort things out.
You can phone our Child Protection Officer Melonie Gregory on 07919 211 719.
Or if they aren’t available then please contact one of the following:
NSPCC – 0808 800 5000
Childline – 0800 1111
Kidscape – 0207 730 3300
Bullying UK – 0800 800 2222
Stomp Out Bullying – 877 602 8559
Stop Cyber Bullying – 201 463 8663
safeguarding and equality?
We are fully committed to our responsibilities to ensuring the highest standards when it comes to safeguarding all who are involved in sport and physical activity within the West of England whilst also ensuring we provide equal opportunities. To find out more about our safeguarding work please Click Here and please find our equality statement below:
Wesport is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity and takes responsibility to ensure that no member of staff, volunteer or participant is unlawfully discriminated against because of one of the protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation).
Wesport will also ensure that stakeholders and commissioned partners are given the same opportunities to be involved where appropriate regardless of their socio – economic background and will encourage all partners to demonstrate their commitment to the principles and practice of equality.
Wesport has always had a strong commitment to equality & diversity, including achieving and maintaining the Equality Standard.
The Wesport Board has adopted Sport England's targets of achieving at least 30% of each gender on its Board (currently 75% female at December 2017), along with a target to increase diversity on the Board (including, but not limited to, Trustees that identify as having a BAME background & those with a disability). Please see the Our Governance & Our Board pages for more information on the Trust Board.