22nd September 2023
Introducing The VCSE Alliance

The VCSE Alliance is an exciting new collaboration between the BNSSG (Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire) regional health and care system and the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector.


The three aims of the BNSSG VCSE Alliance are to:

  1. Encourage and enable the VCSE sector to work in a coordinated way to inform policy, strategy and decision making.
  2. Provide the NHS & health colleagues with a single route of contact, engagement, and links to community.
  3. Better position the VCSE sector to contribute to the design and delivery of integrated care.

An interim Steering Group has been established to oversee the development of a wider VCSE Alliance.


The VCSE Alliance is drawing from Communities of Practice, of Place and of Identity to ensure the alliance is as diverse as possible. The interim Steering Group are working towards a wider assembly event for all VCSE organisations across BNSSG to further inform the development of the VCSE Alliance.


To express your interest in finding out more about the VCSE Alliance please complete our online form to receive regular updates.


The members of the VCSE Alliance interim Steering Group are:

ACFA The Advice Network,

Age UK Bristol,

Bristol Black Carers,

BS3 Community Development,

Citizens’ Advice North Somerset,

For All Healthy Living Company,

Creative Youth Network,

Knowle West Health Park,

Stand Against Racism & Inequality (SARI),

Second Step,

South Gloucestershire CVS,

Southern Brooks Community Partnership,

Southmead Development Trust,


Wellspring Settlement,

West of England Rural Network (WERN),

Voluntary Action North Somerset (VANS),


We Care Home Improvements, and
