Studio You is a new, free-to-access video platform funded by Sport England and The National Lottery, powered by This Girl Can, to help teachers engage less active teenage girls.
Studio You has been developed with governing body for group exercise EMD UK and the content has been accredited by the Association for Physical Education (afPE), so you can be confident that the lessons are appropriate for your students and meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Studio You's educator resources have been created with support from the national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity, Activity Alliance, so that each lesson is inclusive for all students and can be adapted to meet their varied needs.
Studio You is designed to support students' development by improving their fitness levels, strength, flexibility and overall confidence. With a dedicated Teacher Hub, Studio You is committed to providing teachers with the support they need to engage their students and get them excited about their physical education.
Click here to sign up today!