Climate Change: Our role in the sport and physical activity sector

by Laura Rudland Uncategorised

Climate Change and Global Warming are topics high on everyone’s agenda as we all take on the challenge to reduce our carbon footprint and reverse some of the damage already done to our planet. You may be wondering what our role is in the sport and physical activity sector? Although we don’t have all of the answers we have shared some information below to highlight the ‘why’ as well as some ideas that you can implement in your clubs, schools and organisations.


The scientific evidence is clear and undisputable- our planet is warming at an alarming rate and unfortunately this is caused by human activity. Sport and physical activity can be directly associated with impacting on climate change depending on how active or inactive you may be. A sedentary lifestyle is usually a more carbon intensive lifestyle due to high intensity use of motorised transport, and behaviour such as sitting in front of the TV, playing video games, being indoors for long periods of time and using light and heating which all increase the levels of carbon. Replacing some of these sedentary behaviours with physical activity or sleep is beneficial not just to your personal health but can also have a positive contribution to the environment. 

Video from Australia Sport Environment Alliance #NoPlanetNoPlay

What can we do as a sector?

  • Creating environmentally friendly facilities from building and development to the every day running.
  • Minimisation of energy use and of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Conservation of the natural environment and positive impact on biodiversity.
  • Minimisation of waste and maximising reuse and recycling of materials.
  • Get informed- Stay up to date with the latest info & the plans in your local area.
  • Encouraging those coming to your clubs/organisations to car share, use public transport or if they can use a form of active travel such as walking or cycling.
  • Ensure you offer better, affordable experience to encourage local people to get active and reduce their sedentary lifestyle.
  • Recycle equipment and kit through initiatives such as Kit out the Nation
  • Buy equipment and kit from sustainable suppliers. 

Click here to access the Sport England checklist for sustainability. 

Click here to visit the British Association for Sustainability in Sport. 

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about the author

Laura Rudland

Marketing and Administration Officer

T: 0117 32 81881